Summary and Descriptive Statistics of Attached Excel Spreadsheet.

Summary and Descriptive Statistics of Attached Excel Spreadsheet.

Summary and Descriptive Statistics There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization or for health care information. Every year the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Understanding differences between the groups based upon the collected data often informs health care professionals towards research, treatment options, or patient education.Summary and Descriptive Statistics of Attached Excel Spreadsheet.


Using the data on the \"National Cancer Institute Data\" Excel spreadsheet, calculate the descriptive statistics indicated below for each of the Race/Ethnicity groups. Refer to your textbook and the Topic Materials, as needed, for assistance in with creating Excel formulas. Provide the following descriptive statistics: (ACCORDING TO ATTACHED FILE/SPREADSHEET) Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode Measures of Variation: Variance, Standard Deviation, and Range (a formula is not needed for Range). Once the data is calculated, provide a 150-250 word analysis of the descriptive statistics on the spreadsheet. This should include differences and health outcomes between groups. APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.Summary and Descriptive Statistics of Attached Excel Spreadsheet.

Summary and descriptive statistics
The descriptive analysis results are presented for lung and bronchus cancer incidence rates as diagnosed in the sixteen-year-period between 2000 and 2015 for the different ethnicities in the USA (see Table 1 & Table 2).
Table 1. Lung and bronchus cancer incidence rate in the USA (Source: National Cancer Institute, 2018)
Year American Indian / Alaska Native (includes Hispanic)
(rate per 100,000) Asian / Pacific Islander (includes Hispanic)
(rate per 100,000) Black (includes Hispanic)
(rate per 100,000) Hispanic (any race)
(rate per 100,000) White (includes Hispanic)
(rate per 100,000)
2000 45.7 41.8 77.8 34.2 68.8
2001 47.9 41 79 34.1 68.7
2002 44.6 40.4 75.8 34.1 68
2003 50 40.9 77.3 34.5 67.1
2004 51.7 40.5 75.1 35 65.8
2005 48.7 40.2 73.7 33.8 65.9
2006 46.4 39.8 73.4 32 65.8
2007 43.1 38.8 71.2 32.7 65.2
2008 45 38.5 70.8 32.2 63.9
2009 40.1 39 71.6 31.8 63.1
2010 42.4 37 67.8 30.3 60.4
2011 39.6 36.6 64.1 29.4 58.5
2012 36.6 36.7 64.3 28.2 57.5
2013 39.9 36.6 60.5 28.8 56.3
2014 32 34 61.3 26.8 55.4
2015 38.7 34.4 57.4 26 53.2

Table 2. Descriptive statistics
American Indian / Alaska Native (includes Hispanic) Asian / Pacific Islander (includes Hispanic) Black (includes Hispanic) Hispanic (any race) White (includes Hispanic)Summary and Descriptive Statistics of Attached Excel Spreadsheet.
Mean 43.275 38.5125 70.06875 31.49375 62.725
Median 43.85 38.9 71.4 32.1 64.55
Standard Deviation 5.264915 2.38324 6.740101 2.898153 5.11488
Sample Variance 27.71933 5.679833 45.42896 8.399292 26.162
Kurtosis -0.13666 -0.71223 -0.94965 -0.88798 -1.08793
Skewness -0.38334 -0.55531 -0.50796 -0.61142 -0.55686
Range 19.7 7.8 21.6 9 15.6
Minimum 32 34 57.4 26 53.2
Maximum 51.7 41.8 79 35 68.8
Sum 692.4 616.2 1121.1 503.9 1003.6
Count 16 16 16 16 16

A review of the descriptive statistics reveals lung and bronchus cancer incidence rates over the sixteen years under review. The measure of central tendency reveals that Black ethnicity has the highest incidence rate (mean=70.07, median=71.4), followed by White ethnicity (mean=62.72, median=64.55), American Indian/Alaska Native ethnicity (mean=43.28, median=43.85), Asian/Pacific Islander ethnicity (mean=38.51, median=38.9) with Hispanic ethnicity having the lowest incidence rate(mean=31.49, median=32.1). The highest value is reported among Black ethnicity at 79 with the lowest value reported among Hispanic ethnicity at 26. The measure of dispersion reveals that Black ethnicity have the highest spread (SD=6.74, var.=42.43), revealing that the data points are dispersed over a wider range of values. Asian/Pacific Islander ethnicity have the lowest dispersion (SD=2.38, var.=5.67). A review of the data outliers reveals that the five ethnicities under review had platykurtic kurtosis with thin failed distributions and small peaks. White ethnicity had the heaviest tail with more outliers at -1.09 while American Indian/Alaska Native ethnicity had the lightest tail with fewer outliers at -0.14. A review of the skewness shows that all the distributions have a negative coefficient, skewed towards the left, and the median exceeding the mean in all cases. Overall, the data indicates that Black ethnicity had the highest lung and bronchus cancer incidence rate with Hispanic ethnicity reporting the lowest incidence rate for the sixteen year period between 2000 and 2015.Summary and Descriptive Statistics of Attached Excel Spreadsheet.