Nursing Education Program Discussion Paper

Nursing Education Program Discussion Paper

I would involve both older persons and young adults as my community of interest when I consider launching a new nursing education program. In such a program, youths must be included because they have the motivation and energy to reach out to the communities and speak about the initiative to individual people. reaching out to families with medical problems, administering health examinations, delivering education services, offering consultative assistance for children in neighboring areas, facilitating community healthy dietary ideas, engaging in activities that help deter smoking, and organizing program services will be some of their responsibilities (Milani & Lavie, 2015). Even in cases where time is minimal, youths are enthusiastic enough to perform much of these tasks. By helping to educate other community members on health issues, they will also acquire valuable information to enable them to safeguard their health Nursing Education Program Discussion Paper.


I will have older individuals in the program as well. The key goal of their involvement would be to inspire many of the community's older residents to focus on improving unhealthy behaviors without any disturbance to their usual living standards. We will intend to educate older individuals the healthier eating habits, physical activities they should take part in to strengthen their physical wellbeing, as well as strategies to assist them to avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, which reduces their longevity (Rowe & Kahn, 2015)Nursing Education Program Discussion Paper.

There will be no restriction to the nursing education program. Anyone else in the community interested in getting involved in the initiative would be welcome to participate free of charge. Good results will include an informed community and improved health and quality of life for all people after the completion of the initiative. After a few days, I will collect feedback on the program's operations to assess its efficiency Nursing Education Program Discussion Paper.


Milani, R. V., & Lavie, C. J. (2015). Healthcare 2020: reengineering health care delivery to combat chronic disease. The American journal of medicine128(4), 337-343.

Rowe, J. W., & Kahn, R. L. (2015). Successful aging 2.0: Conceptual expansions for the 21st century. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B70(4), 593-596.

Nursing Education Program Discussion Paper