Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Discussion Paper

Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Discussion Paper

Organizations across a wide range of industries have embraced technology as a means of achieving their goals as the rate of technological advancement has increased. The health care system has incorporated the latest technology to guarantee that it offers clients the best quality healthcare that matches their demands, leading to improved health results. Telehealth has been hailed as the greatest critical technical innovation in the healthcare profession in this age. To better grasp how telehealth might enhance care delivery while also ensuring its efficacy and safety. Increasingly, the members of the interdisciplinary team are turning to telehealth as a means of delivering care, so this topic is a natural choice for investigation. A review of works on the utilization of telehealth in medical services, including its prevalence, impact on health outcomes, drawbacks, and potential future applications, is included in this annotated bibliography Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Discussion Paper.


Annotated Bibliography

Monaghesh, E., & Hajizadeh, A. (2020). The role of Telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic review based on current evidence. BMC Public Health, 20(1).

According to the study authors, telehealth shows the opportunity to lower the risk of COVID-19 infection by allowing noncritically sick individuals to receive the medical care they require from the comfort of their own homes. Furthermore, it is said in the article that, throughout this pandemic, Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance providers have eliminated the co-pays for telehealth sessions, thereby encouraging individuals to make use of this service when they are in desperate need. According to this article, there are also several impediments to using telehealth, including the following: 1) Numerous patients still desire to connect with their healthcare providers in the manner to which they were previously accustomed and to resume their previous routines and activities. 2) Patient preference: Patients prefer to visit with their own physician, with whom they have established a connection and confidence via Telehealth, instead of meeting with somebody who is unfamiliar to them. 3) Patients may be uninformed about the availability of telehealth as a care solution or may be unsure of how to get it. In this article, it is recommended that healthcare organizations, medical insurers, and the mainstream press disseminate information to patients, enlighten them on the advantages of telehealth, and give them guidance on how to utilize it. The authors also recommend that the financial hurdle to using Telehealth be reduced as much as possible.

Kruse, C. S., Krowski, N., Rodriguez, B., Tran, L., Vela, J., & Brooks, M. (2017). Telehealth and patient satisfaction: A systematic review and narrative analysis. BMJ Open, 7(8), e016242.

As this article explains, telehealth has many advantages, especially when it comes to connectivity among physicians and the health provider system in distant places and throughout the globe. It is explained by the authors how Telehealth may aid in healthcare monitoring, minimize wait times, improve client satisfaction, and minimize the amount of money spent on transportation expenses for both medical practitioners and patients. It was discovered in the research that various constraints exist, including social and cultural limitations, a dearth of medical and clinical standards defined by policies and guidelines, a monetary hurdle to implementing telehealth, and an insufficient awareness, expertise, and understanding of the advantages of telehealth. Other medical fields, including dental care, dermatology, radiology, surgery, nursing, and rehabilitation, are suggested by the authors as possible applications for telehealth technologies. Furthermore, the authors implore that health-related policies be included in legislation and practices as a matter of priority. Future research should also include participation from policymakers, stakeholders, clients, and clinicians in order to better understand the advantages, problems, and limitations associated with telehealth usage Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Discussion Paper.

Sathiyaraj, A., Lopez, H., & Surapaneni, R. (2021). Patient satisfaction with telemedicine for prechemotherapy evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Future Oncology, 17(13), 1593-1600.

The authors of this article discuss the safety of using Telehealth to do pre-treatment examinations prior to prescribing and administering chemotherapy. The authors reveal that people with chronic illnesses have been tracked and receiving benefits by utilizing Telehealth to communicate with the interdisciplinary team for a long time. Additionally, the article explores the advantages and drawbacks of using telehealth in healthcare. There are several advantages to using telehealth, such as decreased costs, less travel time, and timelier reporting of chemotherapy side effects. One of the drawbacks is the absence of a meaningful rapport between the client and the healthcare provider. As per the authors, the majority of patients are delighted with the telehealth service as it allows them to reduce the number of medical appointments they make, they do not have to commute a lengthy distance to the care facility, and they have a sense of being properly supported.

Van den Bergh, R., Bloem, B. R., Meinders, M. J., & Evers, L. J. (2021). The state of telemedicine for persons with Parkinson's disease. Current Opinion in Neurology, Publish Ahead of Print.

The authors demonstrate that people with Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders may profit from and enjoy the practicality of telehealth. For instance, patients with neurological problems, including Parkinson's disease, may find it problematic to commute lengthy distances; therefore, telehealth allows them to communicate with their health practitioner from the comfort of their own home or care home. They may also be unable to go to the specialized facility because of the expense, difficulty in obtaining transport services, and time constraints. On the other hand, as the authors point out, there are significant difficulties with telehealth. They include technical constraints, limits in the necessary assessment, restricted patient contact with the system, a lack of understanding of the latest studies, and challenges in obtaining compensation for telehealth services. The authors also point out that the prevalence of telehealth usage in remote regions remains low, and that poor-speed internet could also make it difficult for individuals in remote areas to utilize telehealth services. According to the authors, telehealth is more cost-efficient for individuals suffering from Parkinson's disease than regular clinical consultations. The authors arrived at the conclusion that as technology becomes more advanced, telehealth has the ability to assist in the provision of healthcare for such patients, and they will become more acquainted with the technology.



Because of technological advancements in health care, telehealth has emerged as an important technical aspect that is significantly affecting the provision of medical services. Medical institutions that employ telehealth have found that distance between providers and patients, transport limitations, and a dearth of healthcare specialties may be reduced by using this technology. Telemedicine offers the leeway and convenience for patients to pursue their health treatment with their practitioner from the comfort of their own homes, which is particularly important during the current COVID-19 epidemic. It also lowers the expense of providing care or transportation of patients to the hospital, which is advantageous for patients who reside in remote areas, patients with chronic diseases, or patients who have trouble moving about, since they do not have to commute a lengthy distance to visit a specialist. The use of telehealth has various drawbacks, including a weakening of the efficacious interaction between patients and healthcare providers, insufficient knowledge about the system, and a restriction on internet connectivity. Despite its drawbacks, telehealth has been shown to boost positive patient outcomes, minimize the incidence of COVID-19 infection, enhance access to medical services, and lower overall medical costs Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Discussion Paper.


Kruse, C. S., Krowski, N., Rodriguez, B., Tran, L., Vela, J., & Brooks, M. (2017). Telehealth and patient satisfaction: a systematic review and narrative analysis. BMJ Open, 7(8), e016242.

Monaghesh, E., & Hajizadeh, A. (2020). The role of Telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic review based on current evidence. BMC Public Health, 20(1).

Sathiyaraj, A., Lopez, H., & Surapaneni, R. (2021). Patient satisfaction with telemedicine for prechemotherapy evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Future Oncology, 17(13), 1593-1600.

Van den Bergh, R., Bloem, B. R., Meinders, M. J., & Evers, L. J. (2021). The state of telemedicine for persons with Parkinson's disease. Current Opinion in Neurology, Publish Ahead of Print. Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Discussion Paper